What We Can Learn From the “Farm”
A favorite parable within the Agile community is “The Tale of the Chicken and the Pig.” In the tale the Chicken suggests to the Pig that they start a breakfast joint together, pooling their resources to serve ham and eggs. The Pig is understandably reluctant, saying "I'd be committed, but you'd only be involved..." The story helps to distinguish between the stakeholders who do the work (pigs) and those who are only interested in, and supportive of, the success of the project (chickens).
Another useful farmyard parable is the tale of the Turkey, a
favorite of Nicholas Nassim Taleb’s. Taleb’s
book “Antifragile” is a deep investigation into systems that gain from chaos and disorder.
And thus begins the story of the Turkey:
Each day, the Turkey is fed a delicious meal by the Farmer.
As surely as the sun would rise, she received her satisfying meals with
steadfast regularity. Diligent, she did her research, reviewing her KPI with the
appropriate experts, and her confidence in the Farmer’s reliability steadily
increased as did her quantity of feed. Naturally she predicted that the trend
would continue…

Of course, we know better than the Turkey; come
Thanksgiving, shortly after receiving her largest meal of all time, she met an
unexpected end.
In project management sometimes we know as much about our
big chaotic world as the Turkey knows about the Farmer's intentions. The Turkey believes that she has adequate information to
predict the future, much like the implicit assumption behind Waterfall methods where the
initial "plan" dictates the final product.
Relying on a specific plan can blind both poultry and
project members to new opportunities that arise. While the Waterfallists are
busy tracking how far off schedule they are, the Agilists have noticed that
half the stuff they’d planned isn't what their customers want.
In industries where problems are open ended, like
software, marketing and design, we must acknowledge that we don't know
everything at the outset.
Know your pigs from your chicken’s and don’t be a Turkey. Be antifragile by being agile: develop
your teams culture, processes and mindsets so that you can adapt
quickly when things don't go as planned.
Acknowledging the unknown is halfway
to anticipating and overcoming the unexpected.
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